Mother Generals

Mother-Merchtilde.jpgMother Merchtilde the Founderess

Mother Merchtilde the Founderess was a woman of good character, with a motherly heart, very kind and compassionate.
She took over the duty of founding the congregation with the help of His Grace Archbishop Henry Streitcher. We remember her as a woman of great character and unfailing faith for she said in her motto “IN MY ABSENCE GOD’S WORK WILL GO ON” and now after a hundred years her daughters are committedly following in her footsteps.
 Mother-UrsulaMother Ursula 1st Sup. General, 1931-1943

Taking over the responsibility and standing in the hoe of the white woman was not an easy task. In 1925-1943 Sr. Ursula was made the 1st African nun (Munnabikira) to head the congregation. This was a trying moment for her and the nuns where sisters were used to the whites’ administration and management of people. Through her dedicated life and prayer she led the congregation for 18 years. Bravo! She was a very courageous and charismatic leader. She was a loving mother, with a good working relation with all the people.


Mother-ImmaculateMother M. Immaculata 2nd Sup. General, 1943- 1949

Sr. Immaculate succeeded mother Ursual in heading the congregation. She was made mother general from 1944-1949. She shepherded the flock entrusted to her for 6years with profound love and diligence.


Mother AntonitaMother Antoinetta 3rd Sup. General, 1949- 1967

Sr.Antoneitta was elected mother general as from 1949-1967. At this period, Uganda was evolving in education and other sectors. She spear headed the congregation for 18 years.

She was very prudent, with much understanding and shining love. On seeing her, the face was all smiling, she sent the first nuns to overseas countries to study so as to uplift the standard of the congregation to the potential level. She was endowed with a touch of a real mother and had the wisdom that helped her to steer the congregation into deep waters.


Mother M VincentMother M. Vincent,4th Sup. General, 1967-1979

Sr. Mary Vincent was made mother general from 1967-1979. Tall and well built, she was outstanding. She was made mother general while still on studies abroad. Therefore mother Antoneitta had to carry on for an extra one year. With all the vigor and enthusiasm and influence from abroad, she very much spearheaded the congregation’s development.

She had wisdom, fortitude and strong will to steer the congregation to greater heights of religious and secular life. She made most the developmental plans on which the congregation is rotating. Hers was a period of change in and out of the institution. She was far sighted and took the congregation beyond.


Mother Mary F of AssisiMother M. Francis of Assisi 5th Sup. General, 1979- 1985

In 1979-1985, Sr. Mary Francis of Assisi was elected to mother the congregation. She, being a nurse by profession, all tenderness surrounded her.

With her simplicity, she encouraged the sisters to be more dedicated to their calling and carry out the duties entrusted to them with all their hearts and being.


Mother Rose AngellaMother Roseangela Nalubega, 6th Sup. General, 1985- 1997

As from 1985-1997, Sr.Rose Angella Nalubega took over the reigns of the congregation through thin and thick. She steered it to greater height.

She forbore hardships from within and from without. Her period was during the turbulent years in Uganda’s political era, which even affected the congregation. With forbearance, she encouraged deep pastoral work with all intelligence and diligence.


Mother Magdalen de Pazzi, 7th Sup. Gen. 1997-2009

Appointed for two terms as from 1997-2009 mother Mary Magdalen de Pazzi Nakirijja acted with all prudence. It was a period of integral development as the needs of the congregation came by. Her reign saw the close of the decade when the congregation has lived up to a hundred years, Bravo mother Magdalene De pazzi.


Mother Rose MaryMother Rosemary Namaganda , 8th Sup. Gen. 2010 - 2015

The new era of the congregation was openned up by Rev.Mother Rosemary Namaganda in 2010. As developments and changes, unreligious and secular life give way, where the whole world has become a global village, the Bannabikira sisters are ready to stand yet for another hundred years or so.




Mother Noeline Namusoke, 9th Sup. General 2015 to present



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Jesus says to every Munnabikira:
Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commandments.” Matthew: 28:20

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Health Ministry

“May they have life to the full”. John:

Health ministry is as old as the congregation itself. Since we are guided by the spirit of motherhood, each Munnabikira Sister must have a basic knowledge of health care.

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In this area the Bannabikira sisters are called to work with women’s groups in clubs, teach in vocational schools, to reach out to children and people with disabilities such as the deaf and mute,

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