Our Associates

Who are they?

These are single or married men and women, who feel a special call to the Bannabikira Sisters’ Charism. They undergo a formal training after which they are commissioned to live the Bannabikira’s Charism in their own individual profession. If you would take the Bannabikira Sisters to be like the twelve apostles of Jesus, then the Bannabikira’s associates can be likened to Jesus’ disciples. As our Lord said, the harvest is great but the labourers are few. Where the Bannabikira Sisters cannot reach, their associates carry out their mission.

Message From the Associates

We thank God who has enabled us witness His servants celebrating their CENTENARY as they serve in His vineyard.

Bannyabo, Abannabikira, bamaama, bravo!

Thank you for following in the foot steps of our Mother Mary, Mother of Jesus, mother of the church. Your of the existence is of paramount important to us.
I, in particular thank you for having nurtured me in to what I am. Sister, if you were not, I would not be. We thank god who instilled in you the vision of creating a group of the associates of your congregation. We greatly enjoy our association and are proud of it. Thank you for preparing us for the journey to the father. You foresighted our thirst. Brethren, come and join us, we treading where the saints have trode.

I continue to love, admire and respect you because of your practical nature. You are women, mothers, teachers, to mention but a few prerogatives.
Margaret Thatcher,, one of the famous women, said, “if you want anything said asks aman and if you want something done, ask a woman”. I say, if you want a live example of a mother, a teacher name it, look for a Munnabikira.
Together, everyone, Achieves, more with them.
For that noble cause, I call upon you brethren to join the association of the Associates of the Bannabikira sisters of Bwanda. Come and share with us our good values.

Join us who have already tasted the goodness of the association, come bothers and sisters we shall have combined both the spiritual and the physical parenthood.

Being Associates of the bannabikira sisters strengthens us in our faith as part of the body of Jesus Christ, gathering us as brothers and sisters of one family.

For more details one could contact the directress:

Associate Director,
Rev. Sr. Mary Josephat
Holy Family Convent Bwanda,
P. O. Box 170
Masaka Uganda

Hits: 8092


Jesus says to every Munnabikira:
Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commandments.” Matthew: 28:20

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Health Ministry

“May they have life to the full”. John:

Health ministry is as old as the congregation itself. Since we are guided by the spirit of motherhood, each Munnabikira Sister must have a basic knowledge of health care.

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In this area the Bannabikira sisters are called to work with women’s groups in clubs, teach in vocational schools, to reach out to children and people with disabilities such as the deaf and mute,

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