Our Identity

In addition to our CHARISM, we have an identity which is manifested by our CORE Values. They are:

  • Humility
  • Fortitude
  • Self-denial
  • Fraternal charity

These four virtues form our identity which every Sister strives to achieve and bond us together in a unique way.

(With Humility we submit all our will power into the hands of the Superior General)


(Fortitude helps us to serve the congregation tirelessly)


(In Self-denial we give all what are and what we possese to God for his Kingdom.)


(Fraternal charity enables us to share our meals together in Joy.)

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Jesus says to every Munnabikira:
Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commandments.” Matthew: 28:20

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Health Ministry

“May they have life to the full”. John:

Health ministry is as old as the congregation itself. Since we are guided by the spirit of motherhood, each Munnabikira Sister must have a basic knowledge of health care.

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In this area the Bannabikira sisters are called to work with women’s groups in clubs, teach in vocational schools, to reach out to children and people with disabilities such as the deaf and mute,

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