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In hospitals and health centres, we fill with hope to the sick people that Christ is the divine Healer but we are just his instruments.

Yet through the social development sector we strive to uplift the life of the marginalized groups in society and to empower both young and old to achieve self sustainability in order to face the many challenges of the modern world positively. All of these ministries are rendered in the spirit of the Motherhood of Mary.

Hits: 85274


Jesus says to every Munnabikira:
Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commandments.” Matthew: 28:20

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Health Ministry

“May they have life to the full”. John:

Health ministry is as old as the congregation itself. Since we are guided by the spirit of motherhood, each Munnabikira Sister must have a basic knowledge of health care.

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In this area the Bannabikira sisters are called to work with women’s groups in clubs, teach in vocational schools, to reach out to children and people with disabilities such as the deaf and mute,

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